Speakers Xavier Santamaria
Xavier Santamaria

Dr. Xavier Santamaria Costa
Vicepresident Fundación Carlos Simón
Scientific Director Asherman Therapy
Associate Researcher Vall Hebron Institut (VHIR)

Xavier Santamaria M.D, Ph.D. is at present a specialist obstetrician and gynecologist in Reproductive Medicine at Clinic IVI Barcelona from 2012.  He was Head of IVI International Department Area from 2012 until July 2016 to focus on his field of interest in the biomedical research. He is currently Director of the Asherman Project at iGenomix.
On graduation as Medical Doctor in 2003, he was board certified in obstetrics and gynecology at the Hospital del Mar in 2008.  He also completed a PhD at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona in 2013 and worked as clinical fellow at IVI Valencia from 2010 to 2012 with Prof.  Antonio Pellicer, Prof Carlos Simon and Dr Ernesto Bosch.
While preparing his PhD, he obtained a post-graduate fellowship on Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale University (2008-2010) performing research on endometrial Stem Cells at Dr Hugh Taylor’s Laboratory.
Among his large post-graduate training, it is worth highlighting an Advanced Training in Gynecology at Universitätklinikun München Grosshadern in Germany, a Laparoscopic Surgery Advanced Training under the supervision of Professor Querleu  at the Institute Claudius Regaud – Toulouse (France) and The Frontiers in Reproduction Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory – Woods Hole (USA). He has recently obtained the ESHRE Certification for Reproductive Endoscopic Surgeons (ECRES).
Dr. Santamaria is currently the Vicepresident of the Carlos Simon Foundation and his current research directions are to investigate embryo implantation as well as to develop a cell therapy for the treatment of Asherman’s Symdrome.
He is member of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF).
Dr. Santamaria was awarded with the  ASRM/KY Cha Award for Stem Cell Technologies (2023) as well as with Prize as Best Oral Presentation for Young Investigators at the Society of Gynecological Investigation Meeting (2009) and with the Post Graduate Grant of Fundación Cajamadrid in 2008.
He is main author of more than 28 articles in the international journals, 14 chapters in books and invited speaker in more than 70 international conferences.